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Phones tapped at the rate of 1,000 a day

MessagePosté: Mar Jan 29, 2008 6:51 pm
de Carbo
Un spécial sur l'Angleterre, directement du Daily Telegraph du 29 janiver 2008. Big Brother, ça vous dit de quoi?

Phones tapped at the rate of 1,000 a day

By James Kirkup, Political Correspondent
Last Updated: 2:33am GMT 29/01/2008

Britain is in danger of becoming a "surveillance state" as authorities including councils launch bugging operations against 1,000 people a day.
Should councils have the right to snoop on people?

Councils, police and intelligence services are tapping and intercepting the phone calls, emails and letters of hundreds of thousands of people every year, an official report said.

Phone and email communications tapped at the rate of 1,000 a day
A total of 653 state bodies are able to intercept personal calls and emails

Those being bugged include people suspected of illegal fly-tipping as councils use little known powers to carry out increasingly sophisticated surveillance to catch offenders.

The report, by Sir Paul Kennedy, the Interception of Communications Commissioner, has fuelled fears that Britain is becoming a state where private communications are routinely monitored.

It also found that more than 1,000 of the bugging operations were flawed. In some cases, the phones of innocent people were tapped simply because of administrative errors.

David Winnick, a Labour member of the Commons home affairs committee, said greater legal protection was needed to prevent abuse of surveillance powers. Britain already has more CCTV cameras per person than any other country in the world.

He said: "Most of these operations are needed and done for good reasons, but the numbers do raise concerns about the safeguards we have put in place to protect people from constant intrusion."

Referring to George Orwell's vision of a surveillance state, Mr Winnick added: "To walk blindfolded into 1984 is not anything that anybody in their right mind would want."

Michael Parker of NO2ID, which campaigns against ID cards, said the figures showed the state's desire to gather more information about people. "We are living in a surveillance state."

The report shows that in the last nine months of 2006, there were 253,557 applications to intercept private communications under surveillance laws. It is understood that most were approved.

In that period 122 local authorities sought to obtain people's private communications in more than 1,600 cases.

Councils are among more than 600 public bodies with the power to monitor people's private communications.

Senior council officers are given the power to authorise surveillance in order to catch fly-tippers, benefit fraudsters and rogue traders. However, intelligence agencies must seek the permission of ministers while police need approval from chief constables.

Eric Pickles, the Conservative local government spokesman, said the use of surveillance powers against suspected fly-tippers was "completely over the top."

Sir Paul, a senior judge with access to secret intelligence material, also reported 1,088 incidents where public bodies broke the rules on surveillance operations.

His report covers interception activities over a total of 264 days, during which time new applications for interception were made at a rate of 960 each day.

This did not include warrants personally issued by the Foreign Secretary and the Northern Ireland Secretary - thought to be several thousand - which are kept secret.

Each application under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act can cover several means of communication used by one named person, or all communications to and from a named building.

The Local Government Association defended the use of the powers against people "ruining the countryside or trying to take the taxpayer for a ride".

Eric Metcalfe, a barrister who advises Justice, a civil rights group, called the findings "disturbing". He added: "Putting the Home Secretary in charge of authorising interceptions is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse."

Shami Chakrabarti, the director of Liberty, said: "It beggars belief that in a nine-month period, based on these figures, the entire City of Westminster could have had their phones tapped - yet Britain remains one of the few Western countries that won't allow this evidence to be used in court … to prosecute criminals and terrorists."

But Sir Paul confirmed that MI5 and other intelligence agencies remain opposed to any change in the law.

Everybody seems to be listening in

A total of 653 state bodies — including 474 councils — have the power to intercept private communications.

Bugging is usually carried out by MI5, MI6, GCHQ and the police and most people are targeted on suspicion of terrorism or serious crime.

But under laws that came into force eight years ago hundreds of public bodies can carry out surveillance.

These include the Financial Services Authority, the Ambulance Service and local fire authorities and prison governors.

MessagePosté: Mar Jan 29, 2008 8:09 pm
de BlacKGuarD
Aux USA, c'est déjà la norme. Tous les appels entrants et sortants sont triés suivant des keywords. Plusieurs sont purement et simplement sous écoute.

La Grande-Bretagne fait que suivre dans les traces. C'est quand même en UK qu'est situé le plus gros réseau d'écoute électronique et satellite.

ECHELON, quand tu nous tiens...

MessagePosté: Mar Jan 29, 2008 9:01 pm
de Carbo
D'ailleurs, on a quelques bases d'interception au Canada, dont une à Leitrim(75°O, 45°N)), en Ontario.

Il y en a une autre à Alert, île d'Ellesmere, au Nunavut et une à Gander, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. Enfin, il y en a une à Masset, Colombie-Britannique.

Elle sont assez petites par contre. C'est géré par la CST, le Centre de la Sécurité des Télécommunications. ... canada.htm

"En 1948, pendant la Guerre Froide, les États-Unis et le Royaume Uni passent un pacte connu sous le nom d'UKUSA qui consistait à recueillir des informations militaires sur l'Union Soviétique. C'est à partir de cela que le Réseau ECHELON est né. Par la suite, trois autres pays ont rejoint l'alliance UKUSA : Le Canada, l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande. Depuis la fin de la Guerre Froide, le but du système a été réorienté : désormais, ce sont les informations économiques et privées qui intéressent ce gigantesque système d'espionnage fonctionnant à l'échelle planétaire. Aujourd'hui, c'est nous qui sommes visés..."
Organismes homologues

Les partenariats internationaux du CST

Le Canada maintient des relations étroites en matière de renseignement étranger avec les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Plus particulièrement, le CST entretient des partenariats uniques avec :

* la National Security Agency (NSA) (États-Unis);
* le Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) (Royaume-Uni);
* le Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) (Australie); et
* le Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) (Nouvelle-Zélande).

MessagePosté: Mer Jan 30, 2008 1:22 pm
de Superdude
et dire que le Canada est membre de ECHELON...à quand nos conversation surveillées?

MessagePosté: Mer Jan 30, 2008 6:03 pm
de BlacKGuarD
Je pense que c'est déjà le cas mais à une échelle moins importante. ECHELON nous concerne et se rend aisément jusque chez vous, de plus nous avons la base "relais" de Leitrim, comme l'a bien dit Carbo.

Pour l'instant, surveiller et intercepter toutes les communications de tout le monde, autrement que par keyword (signal quand tel mot précis est utilisé, par exemple), c'est impraticable. Beaucoup trop de conversations ont lieu pour qu'elles soient patiemment analysées.

Ceci dit, la liste de personnes plus étroitement surveillées ne cesse de s'agrandir, de même que nos services "de sécurité" correspondants. L'État policier et le 1984 d'Orwell, ça ne se bâtit pas du jour au lendemain. Savoir reconnaître les grands signes, c'est nécessaire.

Note: Le livre Friendly Fascism est une excellente lecture apparentée.

MessagePosté: Dim Fév 10, 2008 1:20 pm
de Superdude
En fait, si je me base sur des documents partiellement déclassifiés (voir aux archives nationales), la base de Letrim est surtout dédiée à l'écouite des communications diplomatiques

MessagePosté: Lun Fév 11, 2008 1:41 pm
de Carbo
À quoi tu penses que ça sert entre autres, Échelon, Superdude? Entre autres à surveiller ses ennemis diplomatiques pour capter leurs transmissions!

MessagePosté: Mer Fév 20, 2008 12:55 am
de Superdude
Carbo a écrit:À quoi tu penses que ça sert entre autres, Échelon, Superdude? Entre autres à surveiller ses ennemis diplomatiques pour capter leurs transmissions!
pas nécéssairement...Échelon a servi dans l'affaire Airbus, strictement commerciale