brutalité policiere

Manifestations, actions, conférences, ateliers, spectacles, expositions...

brutalité policiere

Messagede BouBou le Lun Nov 20, 2006 1:40 pm

Wow... ok la j'en revien juste pas...
Marie-Eve Bourassa, Continuer le combats!
La vie a fait de moi une anglophone, j'excuse donc mes fautes d'ortographe tous aussi banale qu'elle puisse sembler....
*A oui, je suis en Chine, donc pas d'accent sur le clavier...*
Bantam du tube cathodique radical
Messages: 269
Inscription: Dim Sep 10, 2006 7:39 pm
Localisation: Chine

Messagede Miawe le Lun Nov 20, 2006 3:57 pm

Ce n'est malheureusement pas un cas isolé. Juste sur YouTube, "police brutality" nous donne 660 résultats.

Servir, prévenir et protéger?
Non merci.
La faim justifie les moyens.
Bantam du tube cathodique radical
Messages: 413
Inscription: Sam Oct 01, 2005 3:46 pm
Localisation: Sherby

Messagede redvladimir le Dim Mar 11, 2007 10:30 pm

Servir, prévenir et protéger la classe bourgoise bien sur. la police n'est pa la vontoté du peuple pour la révolotion.

Hé dites don vos chanson préférer qui dénonce la brutalité policière.

il y a FUCK THE POLICE (Rage Against the Machine)
Fuck Police Brutality (Anti Flag)
Murder of Liddle Tower (Angelic Upstarts)

et des paroles de Jeunesse Apatride dans une ou deux chansons et vous??
Les masses sont les véritables héros.
Mao Lénine Marx ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
Gauchiste du Oueb en devenir
Messages: 178
Inscription: Sam Mar 10, 2007 9:15 pm
Localisation: dans TivI

Messagede PL le Mar Mar 13, 2007 12:43 pm

Un bon groupe punk au nom évocateur : Millions of Dead Cops. 8)
Bantam du tube cathodique radical
Messages: 261
Inscription: Mar Sep 13, 2005 3:06 pm

Messagede Antoine le Mar Mar 13, 2007 1:23 pm

fucking fachos de cops du criss!
Vétéran de la révolution à distance
Messages: 1789
Inscription: Mar Sep 13, 2005 10:31 pm
Localisation: Rimouski, Ville du Rock!

Messagede Frankie_Boy le Ven Mar 16, 2007 10:23 am

check les chanson :

Ice-T - Cop killa
Fugazi - great cop
N.W.A. - fuck the police

plein d'autres que j'oublie...
*One Fédé to rule them all* - Lol (La suite devrait s'appeller) The fellowship of the PQ ou Honey I've reduced myself to a vote!
Activiste du clavier chevronné-e
Messages: 1314
Inscription: Lun Sep 12, 2005 9:32 pm
Localisation: Perdu quelque part proche du Maine

Messagede pm le Sam Mar 17, 2007 3:39 pm

Frenzal Rhomb - Who'd be a cop?

You had such a terrible time at home, not as bright as your brother and sister. Though intimidating all your friends, still think that uniform's so cool. what a job you can make your own rules. Take your frustration out on them. Hanging out at your nearest protest. punching kids and making arrests in the name of whoever pays the most. Couldn't get in the armed forces, animals on the backs of horses, good sense and justice you oppose. Get a real job- who would be a fucking cop? Did you not get enough love? Did your parents beat you up? Do you worry bout the size of your penis? Did the army kick you out? what the hell was that about? Didn't let you use your firearm in public? You dont protect me, no security, for my family and my friends. Your brain is just out of reach, you can shoot drunks on the beach. The corporations you defend- Get a real job. who would be a fucking cop? I don't know how you get to sleep, when junkies terrorise your beat. Feel like a hero when you punch alcoholics. And there's that secret no one knows, hidden from everyone. Those unnatural affections for German Shepherds- Get a real job- who would be a cop? Did you not get enough love? Did your parents beat you up? Do you worry bout the size of your penis? Were you a cockhead from the start? You didn't need very good marks, and now you're suppplementing your income with money from drugs. Don't wear your name badge on your chest. In case of civil unrest. Wouldn't want anyone to think that your like violence best. Who would be a fucking cop?

Propagandhi - Rio De San Atlanta, Manitoba

Our cities seem to function quite the same:
sweeping ghettos under one big rug makes them easier to contain,
so the upper-middle class can sleep
(or shop in peace)
and convince themselves that "trickle-down" will solve this poverty.
Yes, murderers walk our streets and their weapons are their pens, desks, policies and P.R. campaigns
(fed by the spoils of war)
against the "lazy, shiftless" populations of the poor.
This system cannot be reformed...
(so how about we try something different?)

ah et j'allais oublier... on pourrait mettre « Un maître, une laisse, un chien » du défunt groupe Suck la marde.
Gauchiste du Oueb en devenir
Messages: 86
Inscription: Dim Avr 30, 2006 4:03 pm
Localisation: agecvm

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