Pour répondre à la question du SCUM Manifesto, je citerai Ginette Castro, une chercheuse féministe française:
"If we examine the text more closely, we see that its analysis of the patriarchal reality is a parody. . . . . Here we have a case of absurdity being used as a literary device to expose absurdity, tat is, the absurd theory which has been used to give "scientific" legitimacy to patriarchy. To "misogyny" disguised under a pseudo-scientific mask, Solanas responds with "misandry" disguised under the same mask What about her proposal that men should quite simply be eliminated, as a way of clearing the dead weight of misogyny and masculinity? This is the inevitable conclusion of the feminist pamphlet, in the same way that Jonathan Swift's proposal that Irish children (as useless mouths) should be fed to the swine was the logical conclusion of his bitter satirical pamphlet protesting famine in Ireland. Neither of the two proposals is meant to be taken seriously, and each belongs to the realm of political fiction, or even science fiction, written in a desperate effort to arouse public consciousness." pages 73 - 74"
http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/book-sum/castro.html )
J'ai fait cette petite recherche internet vite-vite parce que je me souvenais d'avoir lu quelque chose de cette chercheuse qui parlait entre aurte l'utilisation des théories freudiennes inversées dans le texte de Solanas, qui d'ailleurs était étudiante en psychologie.
Vous en faites bien ce que vous voulez mais je ne crois pas qu'il faille lire le SCUM au premier degré, comme bien des textes d'ailleurs.