de BouBou le Dim Mar 25, 2007 8:48 pm
Je viens de mettre la mains la dessus... la proposition pour la greve du 29... Bonne chance SMMU!!
A SSMU General Assembly has been called on short notice! There will not be much time for it to be publicized, so it's very important that you tell all your friends about it and invite them to this event.
The proposed motion reads as follows:
Whereas tuition and related fees have become a barrier for an accessible education;
Whereas the government refuses to take considerable actions to counter the situation;
Whereas, in the past, a strike has been proved to be effective;
Be it resolved that we as McGill students strike on March 29th, showing our solidarity and support for a quality, accessible education.
Marie-Eve Bourassa, Continuer le combats!
La vie a fait de moi une anglophone, j'excuse donc mes fautes d'ortographe tous aussi banale qu'elle puisse sembler....
*A oui, je suis en Chine, donc pas d'accent sur le clavier...*